Solarplaza Summit | Asset Management North America

This event has been held already. View our new edition here

The 8th edition of ‘Solarplaza Summit Asset Management North America’ conference combines a crowd of key local and global players, market insights from inspirational speakers, and extended networking opportunities on 6 & 7 April in Oakland, California.

The US solar market has crossed the landmark threshold of 100 GW of installed PV capacity. As the industry matures, it shifts away from explosive build-out towards safeguarding and maximizing production; and scaling up and consolidating portfolios. With the growing need for asset longevity and ROI optimization, Asset Management and O&M have become major specialties. Adulthood, however, also comes with responsibility, which means our program also increasingly addresses themes like ESG, supply chain sustainability, and diversity, equity & inclusion.

Join our event to strengthen your position as an industry leader in the North American solar market, while capitalizing on the investment opportunities arising from the Biden administration’s focus on clean energy development. Buy your ticket for a conference dedicated solely to operational excellence and profitable asset management.

Program Overview

Zooming in on the North American Solar Asset Management field

Fueled by market research, inspired by local consultation, and tailored for our professional audience, the content-rich event program takes stock of the trends & opportunities in North American solar asset management

Conference Program Solarplaza Summit Asset Management North America

Session I Solar’s Future in North America

Session II A Futureproofing Operations & Maintenance

Session II B Safeguarding Portfolio Value

Session III A Plant Resilience & Performance

Session III B Derisking Revenue

Session IV Closing Panel Day 1

Session V Enabling a Holistic Transition

Session VI A O&M Planning for Long-Term Applications

Session VI B Managing Growth Sustainably

Session VII A Optimizing Operations

Session VII B Minimizing Risk

Session VIII Plenary Closing


Amanda Bybee - Amicus O&M Cooperative

Amanda Bybee


Benoit Allehaut - KKR

Benoit Allehaut

Managing Director

Leigh Zanone - Avantus

Leigh Zanone

Senior Director Operations & Asset Management

Sarath Srinivasan - kWh Analytics

Sarath Srinivasan

Head of Risk Transfer Products

Etienne Lecompte - PowerHub

Etienne Lecompte


Michael Eyman - Origis Services

Michael Eyman

Managing Director

Shake up our line-up with your speaker nominations!

We seek diverse industry voices to help craft impactful events. If you're an expert or know one, reach out! We especially welcome nominations of women and underrepresented groups.


Site Visit

Nextracker facilities in Fremont

5 April 13:00 - 19:00
6200 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Fremont

Nextracker’s smart solar tracker solutions for PV projects of all sizes transform plant performance with advanced data monitoring and analysis software and services.


Oakland Marriott City Center

6 April - 7 April , 08:00 - 17:00
1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607

Oakland Marriott City Center is directly across from BART, easily accessible by local highways and just 20 minutes from OAK International Airport.

Networking Dinner

Oakland Marriott City Center - The Skyline Room

6 April 19:00 - 22:00
1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607

The floor-to-ceiling windows translate to a space that provides a dramatic back drop and offer sweeping views of the Bayfront.


Media Partners

Need any help?

Send us an email; we’d be more than happy to help.

Alfonso Barrenechea
Project Manager

For practical questions regarding our activities:

Ward Schuuring
Business Developer Team Lead

For practical questions regarding our activities:

Sabine Dhevaraj
Event Procurement & Support Team Lead

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