Solarplaza Summit | Belgium

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Monday 27 November 2023


Pre-Conference Networking Event

The Networking Event will take place at La Fabbrica

Tuesday 28 November 2023


Welcoming Words by Solarplaza & Chairperson

15 min.

Dena Metaxa


Edwin Koot


Session 1

Panoramic Market Outlook


Impact of The High Energy Prices on Industrial Investments & Employment in Belgium


20 min.

22 key industrial companies were interviewed and we will present their key messages & requirements for the future energy strategy


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Magali Vercammen



Solarcoaster Ride: Exploring Challenges & Prospects in a Volatile Market


20 min.

Although the energy market is experiencing rapid expansion, its trajectory remains uncertain. The introduction of new technologies presents unparalleled opportunities, but simultaneously, soaring electricity prices throughout Europe may overshadow the effects of price cannibalization, which poses a threat to the long-term profitability of renewable energy. This session will analyze the risks involved and explore the most viable short- and long-term strategies to ensure a stable and profitable market growth. 

  • Impact of market volatility on risks and opportunities, considering both national and international perspectives
  • Investment challenges & opportunities
  • Addressing the threats posed by price cannibalization and potential solutions

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Jesse Hettema

Aurora Energy Research


Criss-Cross: Looking at Grid Connection Through New Lenses


40 min.

Belgium has one of the highest interconnection capacities shared with neighbours (when comparing the share of market maximum capacities to the peak consumption of each country). However, with various  grid limitations, electrical energy utilities are currently facing unprecedented pressure as they strive to enhance, modernise, and construct transmission system infrastructures capable of accommodating the growing influx of renewable energy. This undertaking necessitates substantial effort and investment, often undertaken to meet government objectives and targets.

  • An overview of the most recent grid developments & challenges
  • Leveraging novel technologies and tools 
  • Navigating the hurdles of permitting and licensing processes and the differences between the three regions (Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels) 
  • Impact of cross-border Interconnectedness

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Guy Vandendungen

Pulsar Power

Victor Signes

Rystad Energy

Wannes Demarcke

Organisatie Duurzame Energie

Lars Rupert

Giga Storage

William De Riemaecker



Networking Coffee Break

Session 2

Development & Financing


Taking a 360° Turn Around Power Purchase Agreements


60 min.

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) have emerged as a popular mechanism for stimulating the energy transition. However, when entering a long term agreement it is essential for all parties involved to be proactive and well-informed about the risks and considerations of drafting and negotiating PPAs. This session will deep dive into PPAs from the following angles: 

  • Main Issues & Consideration for PPA Contracting
  • Legal Tips & Tricks
  • Financing & Bankability
  • Corporate PPAs
  • Discussion / Q&A

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Magali Vercammen


Stella Mavrommati


Adriaan Peeters


Elodie Colliard

Green Giraffe


How Storage Solutions & Hybritization may Transform the RE Market


20 min.

Storage solutions can provide new market opportunities for renewable energy by enabling greater integration of intermittent renewable sources into the grid, while supporting mitigation of variability of renewable energy production, providing a stable and reliable supply of electricity. Additionally, storage solutions can help to reduce energy costs by allowing businesses and households to shift their energy consumption from peak to off-peak periods. But is it all so rosy? This session will look at possible next steps to implement and leverage storage solutions for renewable energy in the Belgian market:

  • Developing policies and incentives to encourage investment in energy storage technologies.
  • Improving the costs and effectiveness of energy storage systems

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Wannes Vanheusden



A New Dawn for Energy Storage: Deep Dive on Legal Frameworks


20 min.

Wouter Vandorpe



Networking Lunch

Session 3

New Perspectives


Storage Case Study - Key Learnings for the Coming Decades


20 min.


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Jakob Bendixen

Our New Energy


Are we Ready? Tackling Flexibility in the Hybrid Energy Future


20 min.

As the energy transition gains momentum and complexity, it necessitates the development of adequate Pan-European infrastructure to support the transition. Among the critical components, electricity grid flexibility and hybridisation may play a crucial role in facilitating new possibilities for the future. This session aims to explore the opportunities and challenges of making the Belgian grid more flexible and adaptive to the increasingly volatile and agile energy landscape.

  • Assessing the cost-effectiveness of various grid flexibility solutions
  • Identifying suitable technologies and their integration into the grid
  • Exploring System Operation Challenges & Game Changers
  • Discussing financial mechanisms to support grid flexibility projects
  • Negative Pricing

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Guy Vandendungen

Pulsar Power


Active participation of flexible devices as enabler for RES integration


20 min.

The presentation will highlight the importance of unlocking flexibility in the power system to ensure efficient integration of rising volumes of wind and solar utilizing a concrete use case—barriers for flexibility need to be lifted. Improvements in market design need to make it easier for flexible devices, like electric vehicles, heat pumps, solar panels, etc.… to participate in the market. Smart meters and ‘flex-ready’ devices are part of the solution.

Jan Voet



Networking Coffee Break

Session 4

PV Life & Afterlife


Shooting Through the Roof: Achieving New Milestones for Self Consumption


15 min.

Nearly 10% of EU buildings are currently equipped with solar rooftop installations and the implementation of the EU solar rooftop mandate is set to boost the deployment. Simultaneously, the electrification of transportation and heating is being propelled by the increasing use of electric vehicles (EVs) and heat pumps. This panel of experts will explore these trends in sector integration through innovative business models, new technologies and legislative adoptions for new market opportunities.

  • Factors driving the adoption of rooftop solar PV, as well as the challenges faced
  • Business models and considerations for financing of self-consumption systems
  • Considerations for virtual net metering

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Annemarie de Jong



AI-Driven Solar Expansion: Harnessing Geospatial Data for Market Growth in Belgium


15 min.

  • Innovative AI Applications: Understanding how AI and geospatial data are revolutionizing solar sales and market research, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.
  • Platform Potential: Exploring the capabilities of Planno in supercharging solar company sales operations, enabling faster and more effective client outreach with existing resources.
  • Belgian Market Insights: Providing an analysis of Belgium's solar rooftop market, including regional opportunities, current solar adoption trends, and untapped potential based on comprehensive data.
  • Strategic Business Development: Learning how to leverage data-driven insights to identify hidden opportunities and strategically expand solar business in the evolving European energy landscape.

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Daniel Domingues



Design & Operation of Successful Solar PV


35 min.

In the pursuit of enhancing reliability, cost-efficiency, and competitiveness, the photovoltaic (PV) industry is continuously innovating its products. This ongoing innovation aims to develop financially sustainable projects throughout the lifespan of a power plant. To achieve this, it is crucial to employ appropriate system designs and implement well-planned operations and asset management strategies.

  • Overcoming challenges in operating profitable PV projects.
  • Advancements in PV system design and product enhancements.
  • Best practices for effective operations and asset management of solar plants.

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Ruben Baetens


Ivo van Dam


Dean Van Raemdonck


Johnny Browaeys

Decarb Supply Chains (DSC)


Quiz Game with Prize to Win

15 min.


Networking Drinks

Need any help?

We got you. Send out an email to our team and we are here to help.

Dena Metaxa
Project Manager

For practical questions regarding our activities:

[email protected]

Lon Stappers
Business Developer

For practical questions regarding our activities:

[email protected]

Jessica Medina
Project Coordinator

For practical questions regarding our activities:

[email protected]