Solarplaza Summit | Italy

Wednesday 9 July 2025


Pre-Conference Networking Event

Enjoy an exclusive networking dinner at Adèle Mixology Lounge. Solarplaza provides a unique opportunity for industry leaders to connect and collaborate in Rome.

The Networking Event will take place at Adèle Mixology Lounge

Thursday 10 July 2025


Registration & Welcome Coffee

45 min.


Opening & Welcome by Solarplaza


15 min.

Session 1

Snapshot of the Italian Utility-Scale PV & BESS Market


Navigating volatility, new revenue streams & business models: how can investors exploit the Italian PV & BESS market until 2030?


25 min.

PV is headed for a long-term marriage: Energy Storage. These two technologies, stand alone and co-located are defining Italy's energy landscape through new revenue streams and profitability oppportuniuties. We kick off the day by providing you with a clear snapshot on what is going on in the Italian PV & BESS utility scale market and how it is expected to shape over the next years.

  • What is happening in the ItalianRE market?
  • Overview of ongoing and upcoming market trends in terms of project development, technology and market pirces
  • Status of built projects and forecasted development pipeline
  • Utility-scale PV & BESS latest changes in regulation
  • Cost competitiveness of solar & storage projects: what are market players betting on?

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MACSE energy storage capacity auctions: will the Italian TSO, TERNA, reach the objective of 50GWh of energy storage by 2030?


25 min.

The "Meccanismo di Assegnazione Centralizzata per la Sostenibilità Energetica" is an ambitious plan to boost renewable energy integration and support up to 50GWh of energy storage by 2030. Under 15-year contracts for difference, energy storage projects will be paid annual premiums to cover operating costs in exchange for making their capacity available on the Dispatching Services Market.
What are the main takeaways from the tender and will it enable a massive roll out of BESS projects in Italy?

  • Analysis of bids & results from the MACSE auctioon: which strategy pays off?
  • For how long will a CfD mechanism sustain the market?
  • Is MACSE an appetible revenue stream for foreign investors?
  • Will TERNA propose a similar auction in the near future?

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Balancing renenue streams & ROIs: what business models do market leader IPPs & investors apply to utility-scale PV & BESS assets?


40 min.

During this session, you will have the opportunity to hear directly from the market leader IPPS & investors active in Italy & other major Europoean markets on how they are riding the expected mega trends shaping the RE industry, most importantly the rapid adoption of storage technologies. Gain crucial insights into expected business models, how foreign market trends are expected to be adopted in Italy, and how the solar industry will evolve to be even more resilient to increased volatility.

  • Are hybrid & co-located assets the future?
  • Will PV + BESS assets become a necessity for any bankable project?
  • Lessons learned from international torage markets
  • Expected extra revenues from storage assets: what uptake potential can investors consider?
  • Planning your long-term strategy in the Italian RE market

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Morning Networking Break

97% of the attendees of last year’s Solarplaza Summit Italy said they made a valuable business connection. Use this break to kickstart your high-level networking with key decision makers!

Session 2

The Latest Regulatory Framework for Utility-Scale PV & BESS Projects in Italy


De-risking utility-scale PV & BESS investments in 2025: how to navigate the latest regulatory framework among suitable vs non-suitable areas, agri-PV projects & "Testo Unico FER"?


20 min.

Red tape in Italy can really be overwhelming. Investors must confidently master the permitting framework related to development of PV & BESS projects.
In this hands-on, extremely practical presentation we provide a clear snapshot of the main aspects investors must take into account when planning their strategy for the Italian market

  • The "Suitable Areas" Decree (DM "Aree Idonee"): where can we expect the upcomign development to happen in Italy?
  • The Italian authorities have chosen 540 projects, totaling 1.5 GW, in the nation's first agrivoltaics tender: what are the main takeaways for investors?
  • Will it be easier to obtain authorizations fo new projects under the new "Testo Unico FER" decree?

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Tommaso Barbetti



Italy's FER-X Green Scheme: a long-run bankability & investment enabler?


20 min.

Developers will soon be able to submit a strike price at which they will sell electricity in the power market, and the Italian government will select the most cost-effective ones to award long-term Contracts for Difference (CfDs). When the electricity reference price will be below or above the strike price, the beneficiaries will be entitled to receive payments or pay the difference equal to the difference between the two prices.
Can these CfDs guarantee a long-term fixed price for the generated electricity, providing stability amd reducing risk for investors by guaranteeing a minimum level of return?

  • How does the FER-X decree work in practice: applications, timelines and rules.
  • Is the FER-X expected to attract new PV projects in the long-run and at which conditions?
  • Will the FER-X increase the bankability profile of new projects?

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Is the Italian Grid-scale Battery market overcharged, or are we only at the start of the expansion?


40 min.

Large-scale battery energy storage systems (BESS) are set to play a pivotal role in the next phase of renewable energy market expansion. However, the rapid pace of new battery installations prompts questions about the reliability of today’s high-value ancillary markets. This session will provide key insights and examples to help navigate these uncertainties directly from market leaders betting on storage technology. 

  • Making the most out of ancillary markets
  • Which battery duration offers the highest flexibility i modeling asset returns? 
  • Market and policy reforms impacting batteries: which ones are the most beneficial and harmful to investors

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Fabrizio Bonemazzi


Networking Lunch Break

Our tailored networking app makes it easy to schedule one-on-one meetings with any of the 250+ attendees and 25+ speakers: don't miss out on your next business opportunity!

Session 3A

The Italian Utility-Scale PV & BESS Financing & M&A Landscape


Risk-return profiles of utility-scale BESS strategies: which revenue streams offer the highest IRR, NPV & payback metrics?


20 min.

Large-scale battery energy storage systems are almost indispensable to continue fuelling the energy transtition. Investors are faced with the pros of cons of different business models: providing grid services through frequency service models, taking on higher risk through price arbitrage, or a mix of both. What is more convenient and how to th ebenefits of each strategy compare with the downsides?

  • Expected revenue streams from frequency services and energy arbitrage: which ones are more convenient?
  • Investment pipeline for storage projects in Italy
  • Estimated profitability of assets with BESS: is standalone storage or PV + BESS more convenient?

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Money talks: are PPAs, CfDs & secured revenue streams essential for banks or are they ready to take on more risk through merchant & arbitrage exposure?


40 min.

While secure revenue streams offer the most attractive project financing profile for banks, a merchant exposure may be able to offer a higher risk-return profile. Investors must ensure their business models are updated and remain competitive in order to reach positive NPV projects. This becomes even more challenging as storage revenue streams have to be structured and integreated into financial models.
It all starts with project financing, and during this panel discussion, the major lenders involved in project financing for utility-scale projects in Italy will share their insights on hot wo maximize the chances structuring successful financing deals, and how they price in the risk for projects with cash flow exposure based on BESS.

  • What project characteristics should developers aim for in order to obtain project financing
  • Can merchant projects still be financed?
  • Financing options from commercial banks: what terms are being offered on the market?
  • Private debt strategies as alternative to traditional equity financing

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Session 3B

The Italian PPA Market


Monetizing on the Italian PPA & energy trading markets: Hedging price cannibalization and capture rates


20 min.

As the penetration of renewables increases, , the risk of price cannibalization becomes more pronounced. This effect can significantly impact the revenues of RE producers.
By implementing effective PPA strategies, RE producers in Italy can better manage the financial risks associated with price cannibalization and capture rates, thereby enhancing the profitability and sustainability of their operations.

  • Which party will be the risk taker in capture rates?
  • Contractual risks and considerations in a PPA contract
  • Tips when drafting and negotiating PPAs
  • How to decide which type of PPA to adopt: baseload, PaP & other available instruments

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How to structure a bankable & solid PPA contract in Italy capturing more value compared to baseload prices?


40 min.

By blending strong market insights, innovative structuring, and robust risk management, investors can maximize the value captured in a PPA while ensuring its bankability.
Hear from major RE producers how they approach the Italian PPA market and planned strategies for the short-term.

  • Navigating contractual risks
  • How to negotiate and meet the offtaker's needs?
  • How to decide which type of PPA to adopt: baseload, PaP & other available instruments

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Afternoon Networking Break

Whether you're looking to connect with professionals from a specific sector or want to build relationships across the entire solar PV value chain, our event offers a unique chance to engage with experts from across the industry.         

Session 4

Effective PV & Storage Solutions to Optimize your LCOE & Asset Management Best Practices


Lessons Learned: Navigating the Unexpected in Utility Scale BESS deployments


20 min.

When analyzing the overall quality of a project, it is crucial to master KPIs such as NPV, IRR, Payback, ROI, and LCOE, along with revenue and OPEX estimations when it comes to the component choice for your asset. This presentation will gauge into the key parameters asset managers and project owners must consider for their utility-scale projects in Italy.


Revamping & Repowering utility-scale projects in Italy: what's the best asset management strategy to increase the profitability of the 2007-2014 plants?


30 min.

In Italy almost 50% of cumulative installed Pv capacity has been installed between 2007 and 2014. New, more efficient components as part of the revamping process could improve a project’s electricity yield by as much as 40% and make a project’s land use more efficient by as much as 50%.
Discover how the uptake in revamping and repowering activities is shaping the PV market and how to increase the project's ROI with the latest technologies.

  • How can existing assets be upgraded in terms of new applications to improve efficiency?
  • Analysing the choice of components aimed at increasing installed capacity and annual production: what are the options available in the market?
  • Overview and price comparison of the latest technologies on the market available for asset managers.
  • Business model optimization with module revamping and repowering: how many extra dollars can investors expect?
  • Managing underperformance in your solar asset: where are your hidden losses?

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Everyone loves flexibiliy. Is there a future for standalone PV projects without storage?


20 min.

As the industry faces grid capacity challenges, energy storage projects can make critical contributions towards safeguarding the reliability of the power grid and enabling more RE capacity.
How rapidly will we see a mass adoption of strorage technology for utility-scale projects?


Closing Remarks

5 min.


Networking Drinks

As you mingle and build your network, be sure to take a moment to enjoy a refreshing soft drink, glass of wine, or cold beer. While PV & BESS experts from Italyrepresented approximately 50% of our attendees last year, there will be plenty of opportunities to connect with professionals from our global network, which includes countries such as Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Denmark, Austria and many more!

Need any help?

We got you. Send out an email to our team and we are here to help.

Duygu Özer de Kruijf
Project Manager

For practical questions regarding our activities:

[email protected]

Lon Stappers
Business Developer

For practical questions regarding our activities:

[email protected]

Domenica Rodà
Event Manager

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[email protected]