Solarplaza Summit | Poland

This event has been held already. View our new edition here

Wednesday 8 May 2024


Pre-Conference Networking Event

The Solar Networking Party; Above the Clouds

Networking, delicious drinks and a great DJ on Warsaw's best rooftop

The Networking Event will take place in Level 27

Thursday 9 May 2024



Registration & Welcome Coffee

45 min.

Session Topics:


Opening & Welcome by Solarplaza


15 min.

Nicola Kopij Zanin


Session Topics:

Session 1

Overview of the Polish PV Market


Poland's Utility-Scale PV & BESS Developments in an European Framework


30 min.

A bird’s eye view of Poland's solar energy landscape, which will make inventory of the latest market trends, ongoing projects, and upcoming scenarios. Gain insights into the market's latest statistics, forecasts and trends and how the Polish utility-scale PV & BESS market is integrating in an European framework.

Susanne von Aichberger

S&P Global Commodity Insights

Session Topics:
  • Overview of ongoing and upcoming market trends
  • European module supply chain situation
  • Energy Storage Development in Poland
  • Cost competitiveness of solar in Poland


The Evolution of the Regulatory Environment for Utility-Scale PV Projects in Poland


30 min.

In recent years, the development of solar PV permitting in Poland has advanced significantly. The red tape process is being streamlined to encourage investment in solar PV projects. In this session, we will share the latest changes in these areas that are imperative for developers to stay compliant with regulations, manage their budgets, and plan project timelines effectively.

Lena Boczkaja

Clyde & Co

Piotr Dziwniel

Clyde & Co

Session Topics:
  • How to make the most out of the cable pooling regulation in Poland
  • Practical aspects of the recent changes in location law and environmental law
  • Incorporating BESS into solar installations from a regulatory perspective
  • Securing legal titles – new challenges for land acquisition managers
  • Capacity market – still an opportunity for the BESS installations?
  • Electricity market design – key takeaways


Morning Networking Break

Session Topics:

Session 2

Financing & Developing Utility-Scale Projects in Poland


The Latest Tax & Financial Considerations for Investing in Large-scale Solar PV Projects


30 min.

Join this session to gain practical know-how on Poland’s tax regulations and learn how to properly structure the financing of your Polish PV plant.

Katarzyna Klimkiewicz-Deplano

Nexia Advicero

Session Topics:
  • How to finance a RES project in Poland in the most tax-effective way
  • How financial costs impact the tax shield
  • How profit distributions are taxed
  • The crucial tax burdens having economic impact on the rentability of the project and its profit
  • Exit scenario – the appropriate tax measures for exit processes and the post-exit stage


Unlocking Capital and Investments in Utility-Scale PV & BESS projects in Poland


45 min.

New investments in the Polish solar market are being announced at an increasing pace. Learn about the available financing options, including financing products from commercial banks and new investment funds that specialize in renewable energy projects. Join this session to better understand the key financing terms from banks and the main risks involved, and to learn about recent M&A transactions.


Nicola Kopij Zanin


Lukasz Witkowski

Better Energy

Anna Chmielewska

EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Joshua Murphy


Bart Dujczynski

Proventus Renewables

Chris Bryan


Session Topics:
  • What makes a project attractive for investors
  • Financing strategies from commercial banks to new up-and-coming investment funds
  • Overview of recent M&A transactions
  • How to effectively structure a joint venture or co-development agreement
  • Preferred business models for investors
  • Price expectations for greenfield and RtB projects


Networking Lunch Break

Session Topics:

Session 3A

The Polish Utility-Scale Storage Market


Business Models For Grid-Scale Batteries in Poland


30 min.

Large-scale battery energy storage systems will be crucial for the next stage of renewable energy market growth. But how do you successfully build a business case for a BESS? This session will give some main pointers and examples.

Jeremy Slupski

Aurora Energy Research

Session Topics:
  • Revenue streams including frequency services and energy arbitrage
  • Investment scenarios for storage across Poland
  • Estimated profitability of assets with BESS


Breaking the Gridlock: Strategies to Mitigate Grid Congestion Challenges Through BESS Solutions & other Applications


45 min.

As the industry faces grid capacity challenges, energy storage projects can make critical contributions towards safeguarding the reliability of the power grid and enabling more RE capacity. This session focuses on this aspect and potential, providing concrete examples and business cases.


Filip Sypko

Menlo Electric

Piotr Czembor

Hynfra Energy Storage

Marta Głód


Jan Kłoczko


Lorenzo Paumgardhen

Jinko Solar

Session Topics:
  • The role of BESS in mitigating grid congestion challenges
  • The relationship between BESS owner and grid operator
  • Other applications aimed at relieving the grid

Session 3B

The Polish PPA Market


Outlook for the Polish PPA & Energy Trading Markets


30 min.

Piotr Raczkowski

Our New Energy

Session Topics:
  • Contractual risks and considerations
  • Meeting the Offtaker's needs
  • Legal Tips & Tricks When Drafting & Negotiating PPAs
  • How to decide which type of PPA to use Imbalance and profile risk of renewables and how to deal with that in different types of PPAs


Main Issues & Considerations for Successful PPA Contracting


45 min.


Adam Kościelniak


Agnieszka Nowakowska

Agnieszka Nowakowska Business Consulting

Vytis Gumbrys


Bartosz Charzyński

GoldenPeaks Trading

Session Topics:
  • Navigating contractual risks
  • Types of PPAs and Respective Risks & Advantages
  • Pros & Cons of different types of contracts
  • Meeting the Offtaker's needs
  • Virtual vs. Physical PPAs
  • PPA vs CPPA
  • How to decide which type of PPA to use
  • Imbalance and profile risk of renewables and how to deal with that in different types of PPAs


Afternoon Networking Break

Session Topics:

Session 4A

Innovations in Technology: Effective PV Solutions to Optimize your LCOE


Battery Technology Innovations that Enhance Efficiency and Lengthen Battery Cycle Life


20 min.

As a global battery storage and PV inverter market leader, Sungrow will share some of the latest innovations in battery technology. Aided by practical case studies and project examples, this presentation will provide insights into how large-scale BESS - with innovative features like liquid cooling and modular design - can be a high-value and low-maintenance addition to any Polish PV project.

Jakub Górski


Session Topics:
  • BESS technology innovations
  • Considerations for transportation, installation and O&M
  • Practical case studies


Boosting the Financial Health of your Solar Assets


40 min.

Poland is home to a rapidly growing fleet of solar plants. How can solar asset owners and managers ensure the continued performance and financial health of their plants? Join this session to learn about asset upgrades, component choices, digitalization, revamping, repowering, and successful asset management overall.


Nicola Kopij Zanin


Mauricio López


Konrad Tolivia


Marcin Wnuszyński


Session Topics:
  • Upgrading existing assets to improve efficiency?
  • Analyzing the choice of components aimed at increasing installed capacity and annual production
  • Overview and price comparison of the latest technologies on the market available for asset managers
  • The next step in operations digitalization
  • Business model optimization with module revamping and repowering
  • Managing underperformance in your solar asset

Session 4B

Opportunities for PV & Storage Development for Polish Firms in Ukraine


Opportunities for PV & Storage Development for Polish Firms in Ukraine


20 min.

Maksym Sysoiev


Session Topics:
  • Development of the Ukrainian PV market before and during the war
  • Enriching the Ukrainian energy system with new PV and BESS projects
  • Incentives for new PV and BESS projects
  • Peculiarities of current PV and BESS projects development or acquisition in Ukraine


Closing Remarks

10 min.

Nicola Kopij Zanin


Session Topics:


Networking Drinks

Session Topics:

Need any help?

We got you. Send out an email to our team and we are here to help.

Marjory Dupouy
Events Team Lead

For questions about the program and content of the event:

[email protected]

Tor Jörgensen
Business Developer

For questions regarding partnership opportunities:

[email protected]

Domenica Rodà
Project Coordinator

For practical questions regarding our activities:

[email protected]