White Paper

12 May 2021


Solar PV Operations & Maintenance Manufacturing Construction Commercial & Industrial (C&I)

Estimated reading time: 10 min

Flexible Floating Solar System Design

The solar energy sector is developing at a rapid pace as manufacturers introduce new modules and formats. These rapid development cycles are bringing real competition in module performance, therefore, developing a substructure for installation and the handling of new and different modules is becoming more and more challenging.
To accommodate the latest developments in the Floating Solar industry, Zimmermann PV-Floating has developed an integrated floating PV sub-structure that offers both flexibility and scalability.

This white paper outlines some of the main challenges in floating solar PV system design. As well as various ways in which these challenges and considerations have been accounted for in the design of the ‘ZIM Float’ solution developed by Zimmerman PV-Floating.

Due to the adaptability of the solution, this white paper hopes to provide answers and insights to a broad scope of questions related to floating solar PV system design, faced by the floating solar community.

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join Solarplaza Summit Floating PV Europe on 26 June, taking place in Paris.