White Paper

10 May 2023


Solar PV Asset Management Spain

Estimated reading time: 10 min

Solar Asset Management in Spain

As a result of the strong growth of its solar market in the last four years, Spain now boasts more than 25 GW of operational solar capacity. With solar installations growing at such an unprecedented rate, it is essential to ensure that these assets are run efficiently, effectively, and profitably throughout their entire lifecycle. This report aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the essentials of solar asset management, including practical insights into Spanish best practices based on input from experts active in Spain: Carolina Nester, Sonnedix’s Head of Asset Management Iberia,
David Gomez Jimenez, Prescinto’s Sales Director EU, and Lluis Juncosa, Canadian
Solar’s Associate Director O&M in the EMEA region.

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This white paper was created in preparation for Solarplaza Summit Spain. Be the first to know when the new edition will be held by signing up for updates.