

Curtailment Grid congestion Storage Greece

Solar Curtailment in Greece: Current Status, Financial Impact, and Future Outlooks

with Stelios Psomas as moderator (HELAPCO - Hellenic Association of PV Companies) , Dr. Sotiris Kapellos (HELLENiQ ENERGY) , Pandelis Biskas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH)) , Stefanos Mavropoulos (Baringa)

Greece added 1.59 GW of new solar PV capacity last year, and projections for this year look strong as well. However, with a struggling grid and continued growth of intermittent power sources, curtailment remains the sector’s thorniest issue. With curtailment numbers skyrocketing this year - and the prospect that by 2030 up to 15% of the country's electricity generation might be curtailed - this webinar offers a crucial and efficient way to get yourself up to speed with the latest insights into this topic.

This webinar was held in July 2024, but the recordings are still available!

Our expert speakers will answer questions like: "What are the different methods of RES generation curtailment applied in the Greek market?";  "What is the impact of the suggested grid connection limitations on expected revenues for a solar PV plant?"; and "What can energy producers expect as compensation for curtailment?" Together, they will share their analysis of the current situation and share their expectations for the future. 

Stelios Psomas

Policy Advisor


Dr. Sotiris Kapellos

Chief Operating Officer

Pandelis Biskas

Associate Professor

Stefanos Mavropoulos

Senior Manager

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This webinar was created in preparation for Solarplaza Summit Greece. Be the first to know when the new edition will be held by signing up for updates.