
22 August 2024


PPAs Commercial & Industrial (C&I) Nordics

3 Questions on the Nordic RE PPA Markets

Author: Solarplaza

with Mikkel Kring (Our New Energy)

Mikkel Kring - partner at Our New Energy - is one of the leading advisers in the Nordic PPA markets. He’s been on stage at our events around Europe many times and will be one of the key experts speaking at our upcoming Solarplaza Summit Nordics, in Copenhagen on the 3rd of October. In preparation for the event, we caught up with him to get some quick updates on how recent deals have been impacting the PPA landscape and tap into his views on how the regional market is evolving in general.

Our questions to Mikkel:

  • What makes the big Svea Solar deal you were involved in stand out from your perspective?
  • How would you describe your current outlook for the Nordic PPA markets?
  • What would your advice be to developers who are approaching the ready-to-build (RtB) stage with their solar projects?

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This article was created in preparation for Solarplaza Summit Nordics. Be the first to know when the new edition will be held by signing up for updates.